Owner & Craftsman

Nelson Duarte

Greetings, fellow admirers of craftsmanship and beauty! I'm Nelson Duarte, the hands and heart behind StrawWoods Artistry. As you explore the world of handcrafted woodwork, allow me to share my journey and passion with you.

For me, woodworking isn't just a skill; it's a lifelong devotion that has unfolded in ways I could have never imagined. From the moment my hands touched wood, I felt an indescribable connection – a whisper from nature that urged me to shape, mold, and breathe life into this timeless material.

As a sole artisan, every creation that leaves my workshop is a culmination of my dedication, expertise, and the stories that wood carries. It's an intimate journey – from that initial spark of inspiration to the final stroke of finish. I believe that each piece has a story to tell, and my role is to be the storyteller, translating wood's language into designs that resonate.

Custom Woodworking Creations are my canvas for collaboration. I thrive on bringing your visions to life, understanding your aspirations, and crafting pieces that are uniquely yours. Whether it's a striking centerpiece or a functional masterpiece, my goal is to create not just furniture, but extensions of your personality.

Antique Furniture Restoration is my tribute to history. With gentle hands, I restore worn treasures, preserving their character and infusing new life into their stories. It's a dance between the past and the present – a chance to rekindle the beauty that might have faded over time.

And then there's Straw Detailing and Inlay – a celebration of cultural fusion. With each intricate pattern, I weave a connection between distant traditions, merging Indian straw craft with the timeless allure of wood. It's a journey that marries my love for artistry and my respect for heritage.

As you navigate the pages of StrawWoods Artistry, I invite you to immerse yourself in the essence of my craft. Each piece is more than just an item; it's a conversation between nature, history, and my hands. Join me in this journey of exploring, creating, and cherishing the artistry that springs from wood.

Welcome to the world of StrawWoods Artistry. It's an honor to share my work with you – work that's an extension of my soul and an embodiment of the beauty that lies within wood.


Nelson Duarte

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Crafting Conversations

Have a question or a special request? I'm here to help! Feel free to reach out using the form below, and I'll get back to you with the information you need. Your journey into exceptional craftsmanship begins here at StrawWoods Artistry.